(In Buddhism, this fable is called " Sattigumba Jataka")
Once when a King named Pancala reigned over the throne of city named Utarapancala, there were 2 parakeets who were brethren. Both parakeets fluttered by the wind and were separated from each other since then.
They said " The wind is so strong."
A younger bird said " brother, brother, we have to be separated because of the wind , don't we?"
The elder bird was blown by the wind and fell into the peaceful and fertile forest on the north. It was the place where the hermits developed the meditation. The parakeet fell on the pile of flower at the altar.
The hermit saw the bird and said " Little bird, you're so lucky falling on the flowers. Otherwise. you must be hurt. Come on. I'll take care of you"
The hermit fed that bird and let him stay near the hermitage. He named him " Bupphaka".
Bupphaka had a chance to listen to the teaching which was good and beneficial to him and the others everyday. His mind was serene in the stream of Dhamma (=goodness).
The hermit said " The sin is what you shouldn't do. If we have evil thought toward anyone, it will make our mind unmerciful and we'll live our life with depressed mind."
The bird thought "It's good that the hermit taught me to eat only fruits, I don't eat worms like other birds. Otherwise, I would have committed the sin to those worms."
The younger parakeet was blew by the wind and fell at the arsenal inside the den of the brutal black beard thief. He met the bird and said "What? That's the parakeet. How can it fall over here? Luckily, it didn't fall on the blade of the spear. Alright, I'll feed you. You might do me a favor sometimes"
The younger parakeet was raised in the den of thieves. He was acquainted with only bad deeds and heard only harsh world all the time so it became his habits.
The thief said" I'll name you Sattigumba because I found you in the pile of weapons. It's suited for you. Stay with me and I'll teach you to rob, alright? Sattigumba"
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