Thursday, October 24, 2013

Having a good friend is useful (part1)

In the past , when King Bramadatta sat on the throne of Benares, in his garden, there was a sacred tree whose trunk stood firmly and its branches branched out beautifully. The tree was praised by the royal court and called Samukhaka that meant the tree that could speak because there was a deity swelling in.

A high status god was born in that tree. Beside the sacred tree, there was a cluster of weed where a tree spirit was dwelling in. Rucadevada , a high status god who dwelled in the sacred tree and Kusinalidevada, the tree spirit who dwelled in the cluster of weed associated with each other regardless of their different status.

Rucadevada said " It's a nice day"
Kusinalidevada said " Right . A nice day  like this should create A nice thing, don't you think?"
Rucadevada " I don't know if it's relevant or not. Anyway, I want it the way you said"

At that time, the king stayed at the one pillar castle . When the pillar was shaking, the king's men told it to the king.
The king asked "What happen? Why is my castle shaking like this?"
The noble man said " Your Majesty, it's because the pillar of the castle is eroded and shaking. So it makes the castle shake".
The king " What are you doing? You know that it's eroded the replace it . What keeps you? How can you let the casle shake?"

The nobleman and the soldiers quickly get out to find the tree for the pillar of the castle.
The soldiers said " Hey! Let's hasten to find it . Which tree should we pick?"
another soldiers said " Over there! That tree. Its trunk is big. It should be strong."
the soldiers is exciting and said " Fine ! But, well, this tree is sacred. It's Samukhaka tree. We have to ask the king whether we can cut it or not."
The nobleman said " Alright.We'll come back tomorrow."

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